Seacoast Naturopathic Health
Improvement Center

For All Your Health & Wellness Needs

We take the time to

The complex factors influencing your health

We inspire you to live
the medicine

Helping you practice a lifestyle that supports your health and
invigorates your sense of joy

We listen to your version
of health

To create a plan in alignment with your unique
need and values

We empower you with practical and
effective tools

To address your health concerns, enhance your vitality,
and help you feel better
Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation

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Dr. Scott’sMission
“To empower and educate people to take control of their health so they can live to their greatest potential.”


Dr. Robert Scott

ND, ACN, Advanced Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner, National Presenter

Dr. Robert Scott, ND empowers his patients to take an active role in their health. He believes that people should be as informed as possible so they can be directly involved in making choices to optimize their own health. Not only does he blend the best practices science and nature have to offer, he also connects his patients’ needs for professional medical guidance withempowering knowledge. ​

Call today and schedule a consult!

Is it Possible to Restore Your Health?

Many people we see in out practice have eaten themselves into their current state of ill-health, to one degree or another.

The deficiencies or imbalances lead to a breakdown in resistance, or immunity, and a loss of the ability to cope with environmental stresses (food, immune, chemical or otherwise).

A non-invasive approach to analyzes the body to determine the underlying causes of illness and non-optimum health.
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One-on-one sessions to help guide you through the process of making positive dietary changes and working towards your health goals. A stand alone service or complimentary to service to Nutrition Response Testing.
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Detoxification & Relaxation Therapy. Enjoy our relaxing and soothing ionic detox foot baths and regain a state of balance in your body.
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Heart rate variability is the variance in time between the beats of your heart. This is useful in determining the balance of your autonomic nervous system and your body’s ability to heal.
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The Zerona Z6 laser is a low-level laser therapy device. It is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that is designed to help reduce body fat and contour the shape of the body.
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Using natural therapies to improve health and address the root causes of disease, naturopathic doctors look at the whole person, not just the parts.
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Fat Loss Laser

The Zerona Z6 laser is a low-level laser therapy device. It is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that is designed to help reduce body fat and contour the shape of the body.

The Zerona Z6 laser works by emitting low-level laser energy that penetrates the skin and causes the fat cells to release their stored contents. It can result in a reduction in the size of 6 TARGETED FAT LOSS the fat cells. The body then naturally eliminates the fat through the lymphatic system.


Clients Love Seacoast NHIC!

“Dr. Scott & his team are absolutely great! I have a much better understanding of my body and feel 100% better than I have in years. 10+ Years of gut discomfort will take its toll. The work I’ve been doing with Dr. Scott has turned that completely around. I have more energy, more awareness, and most importantly, I’m healing!”

Meghan G.

“I have had a wonderful experience as a patient of Dr. Scott's. I was having digestive issues and after a thorough health history and exam, lifestyle changes and supplements that were individualized to me were suggested. The care here ensures there's accountability and you are not alone in your health journey. They are organized and informative. The educational packets I received were SO helpful. If you've been struggling with anything health related, you deserve to feel your best, and Dr. Scott & Audrey will help get you there! I am so grateful to them.”

Alex B.

“I have been experiencing increased stress lately, along with some digestive issues and having trouble losing weight. A doctor cannot treat herself, so I started with Dr. Bob and just three weeks in, I am noticing a difference. I am finally starting to lose fat and gain muscle, I'm sleeping better, and my digestion is 90% better. Thanks Dr. Bob!”

-Janine P.